Growing Outward

Growing Outward

Adolescence and early adulthood involve huge changes in the brain. The objective is for us to take control over who we are. This video considers two technologies for accomplishing that goal: the Scout Law – and hypnotherapy. Transcript The heart of Boy Scouts...

Virtue in the Time of Coronavirus

Change is difficult in the best of times. Sometimes that change is joyfully awaited, such as the birth of a child. Even then, though, every parent will speak of moments of confusion, exhaustion, and perhaps grief over the changes that swept through their lives. Those...
Introduction to Lay Hypnotherapy

Introduction to Lay Hypnotherapy

Introduction to the book that I’ve started. Feedback is appreciated. Throughout my working life, I moved among people that the public characterizes as “geniuses.” Their skills were analysis, reason, and logic. They were the scientists who tried to explain events...
Me vs. We

Me vs. We

I discovered comic books in college and continued to collect them into my thirties. I briefly became persona non grata in a segment of the creative community when I called out an independent author for running an abusive letter column. A little bit of a narcissist, he...
Hypnotherapy in Later Life: Part 6

Hypnotherapy in Later Life: Part 6

Conserving Identity When we are young, we respond “policeman” or “nurse” or “astronaut” when asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” For many of us, it’s not until almost mid-life that we might realize that we didn’t understand the question. “Being” is about...