Personal Development: Part 2

Personal Development: Part 2

Theory of Mind The mind is born with two responses to a threat: fight and flight, marshaled by the survival instinct in the primitive part of the brain. Fight and flight are meant to be temporary. In nature, the mind-body quickly returns to rest to heal, grow, and...
Personal Development: Part 2

Personal Development: Part 1

Change Matters Our conscious mind likes checklists. Once a goal is set, it can use all the tools of reason to create a plan. And checking off that goal is a satisfying reward. We know that we’ve accomplished something! For the subconscious, the checklist isn’t so...
Breathing Meditation

Breathing Meditation

From the introduction: If spirituality is the negotiation of the boundaries between “I” and “we,” the purpose of breathing meditation is to clarify those boundaries. It is necessary because being born into a new life is an intensely shared experience, creating...
War of the Psyche – 6 of 6

War of the Psyche – 6 of 6

Victory Over Death In the era of Alexander the Great, conquest was used to propagate culture. In the terrifying era of battlefield massacre, wars were fought to preserve the nation-state. With the development of nuclear weaponry, finally civilized nations realized...
War of the Psyche – 6 of 6

War of the Psyche – 5 of 6

A Hypnotherapist’s View: Re-Integration When dealing with combat stress and its follow-on disorders, hypnotherapy is an adjunct to treatment by licensed clinicians – both psychologists and medical doctors. All caregivers recognize that combat stress drives the warrior...