Designed to Love

Designed to Love

One of the keys to mental healing is the belief that experience has meaning. From my book, “The Foundations and Practice of Lay Hypnotherapy,” I offer this insight: We hurt and then heal each other because we are still learning how to express our capacity...

Taught by the Children We Heal

When it was discovered that syphilis progressed to mental illness, psychiatry was grandfathered into medicine. Surgery and drugs became the preferred interventions. These were applied when the psychosis was fully evolved, as desperate measures for those that could no...
War of the Psyche – 6 of 6

War of the Psyche – 6 of 6

Victory Over Death In the era of Alexander the Great, conquest was used to propagate culture. In the terrifying era of battlefield massacre, wars were fought to preserve the nation-state. With the development of nuclear weaponry, finally civilized nations realized...
War of the Psyche – 6 of 6

War of the Psyche – 4 of 6

Hypnotherapy Helps the Warrior Heal When dealing with combat stress and its follow-on disorders, hypnotherapy is an adjunct to treatment by licensed clinicians – both psychologists and medical doctors. Further information on hypnotherapy and combat stress...